If you are a sole proprietor or partner/partnership or are incorporated, you do not need to seek benefits. But you will probably want to secure coverage on yourself. If you don’t, you won’t be able to reap any benefits through the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation...
Month: November 2015
I Am a Teacher. Can They Really Stop My Workers’ Comp Money Over the Summer?
The answer is “yes.” Here’s a quick lesson on why this is. Temporary Total benefits were designed to compensate for lost wages. If you have never worked over the summer and have no intention of doing so, then there are no wages to be compensated for. There are...
The Good, The Bad and The Trusted: Searching for an Attorney Online
The Internet has become an invaluable resource in our everyday lives. We tap into it from our computers, tablets, smart phones and even some TVs. Remember thumbing through a huge phone book? Those days are long gone.Technology allows us to have information from around...
Meet Attorney Richard “Pete” Magill
It’s interesting how life informs our career choices. I decided to become an attorney after working in a steel mill for several years and seeing how people were treated in the workplace. I strongly felt that these workers needed representation. No one was standing up...