Attorney Richard L. Magill Assumes Workers’ Compensation Chairmanship at Ohio State Bar Association

Attorney Richard L. Magill, a partner in Heller, Maas, Moro & Magill Co. LPA

Attorney Richard “Pete” Magill, a partner in Heller, Maas, Moro & Magill Co. LPA, a Youngstown, Ohio law firm, recently took a leadership role in the Ohio State Bar Association.

Magill is chairing the Bar Association’s Workers’ Compensation Law Section for a one-year term. Bar Association President David Lefton appointed Magill to the position.

Magill focuses his practice on helping injured workers obtain workers’ compensation benefits for on-the-job injuries and health conditions. During the summers of his college and law school years, Magill worked in local mills to help pay for his education. He was struck by the lack of adequate legal representation mill workers had when they were injured and decided he wanted to be a lawyer who helped working people. He has made that a focus of his legal career.

The Bar Association has 14 sections, each of which specializes in a specific area of law.  The Workers’ Compensation Law Section provides a forum for legal professionals interested in legislative, regulatory, and judicial matters related to workers’ compensation law.

In addition to heading the Workers’ Compensation Law Section, Magill serves as a liaison between the Bar Association and the Ohio Industrial Commission. He also serves on the Trumbull County Bar Association’s executive committee. He is also a member of the Portage County Bar Association and the Mahoning-Trumbull Academy of Trial Lawyers.

If you have questions about how you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits in Ohio and whether you are eligible for benefits after a workplace injury, contact a workers’ compensation lawyer at Heller, Maas, Moro & Magill Co. LPA for assistance.